How to Meet Key Needs in Digital Transformation [VIDEO]

Digital transformation is a complex, dynamic process, ultimately designed to enhance the performance of an organisation. It should help your organisation focus on your customers and meet their needs in the most simple and straight forward manner. However, first you have to identify the right solutions for your business and its particular demands. 

We've highlighted four of the key business considerations that should be taken into account before beginning a digital transformation project, along with suggestions of how best to manage these as both part of the process and your continuous improvement efforts. 


In our recent video, we discuss how VASSIT uses Oracle cloud hosting technology to implement and support customised digital transformation for enterprise-level businesses, when scalability is key. 


Change is inevitable, and your ability to evolve is one of the main factors that’s likely to determine your business‘s continuity.

Business transformation can be the result of failure to adapt and, as such, can be expensive and hurriedly planned. To avoid this, it is vital to closely and continuously track trends in your field and to make small changes regularly to keep pace.

This can be achieved through performance management. Although all businesses engage in performance management to some extent, digitisation allows Big Data to inform performance indices and business intelligence solutions. This, combined with shared services, can allow more stakeholders to be involved in informed, strategic decision-making.

Customer Experience

CX is key to a successful digital transformation and must be considered in terms of both the customer and the employee.

CX encompasses User Experience (UX) and contributes to many of the core elements of digital transformation, including customer understanding, top-line growth and worker enablement. These elements all focus on improving customer satisfaction and targeted marketing or facilitating flexibility and creativity for employees in the workplace.

Customer experience is a key part of our overall digital transformation solution, and we have found that giving it due attention will significantly improve revenue and customer loyalty. Customer journey mapping and web experience management are two effective methods of ensuring CX is incorporated into a larger digital transformation to explore and improve customer experience.

On the employee experience side, portals and intranet integration strategies should also be considered as part of an improved user experience implementation, as these can enhance connectivity between employees, leading to improvements in collaboration and creativity.

Swift Innovation & Implementation

All businesses face intense competition, and in the fast-paced digital age speed is key. The faster a product or service can be released, the greater the competitive edge it will give. This has led to a culture of rapid product development, based on the concept of ‘fail fast, succeed faster’.

To remain competitive, process digitisation is essential. Informed by Big Data and business intelligence, development teams can assess market trends, consumer demand and beta test polls more rapidly. Implementing digitised solutions to surveys and focus groups can provide more feedback quicker, and speed up the overall process from concept to launch.

Creating a DevOps culture within your businesses has a number of benefits, not least vastly improving speed of implementations and delivery, but it is widely misunderstood – we separate the fact from the fiction here.   

Implementing Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is a fundamental part of modern enterprise, and businesses can’t risk falling behind. VASSIT can help you implement cloud hosting technology, such as that provided by Oracle, to adapt your IT infrastructure to cope with Big Data collection and host business intelligence programs to inform development and operations teams. This approach has worked well with clients such as LifeWorks.

We partner with Clarive to make DevOps a reality for businesses that want to reap such benefits as faster-time-to-market, easier compliance and cost savings. And we also specialise in helping businesses improve employee performance and collaboration, as well as revenue and customer loyalty, via UX and customer experience solutions.

Our approach to business development and continuity is to provide expert advice and support at every stage, and to implement effective, scalable digitisation solutions to help buffer your business against being left behind in a competitive digital age. 

To see how we helped LifeWorks through their own Digital Transformation, download our case study

  Download Case Study